Serverless Computing vs. Traditional VMs

April 15, 2022

Serverless Computing vs. Traditional VMs

Choosing between serverless computing and traditional VMs can be a tricky decision for business owners and developers. Both technologies have their advantages and drawbacks, and choosing the right one depends on your business needs and goals. In this article, we'll compare serverless computing and traditional VMs in terms of cost, scalability, performance, and maintenance.


One of the main reasons why many businesses choose serverless computing is the cost. Serverless computing eliminates the need for dedicated servers or virtual machines, which can be an expensive investment for small businesses. With serverless computing, businesses only pay for what they use, and there's no need to maintain any infrastructure. In contrast, using traditional virtual machines requires businesses to pay for the resources they use, even if they don't use them 100% of the time.

According to a study by O'Reilly Media, serverless computing reduced costs by 60% compared to traditional VMs.


Serverless computing is highly scalable, and it can automatically scale resources based on the demands of the application. This means that businesses can easily handle traffic spikes without worrying about infrastructure or performance. Serverless computing also enables businesses to deploy and update applications faster, as there's no need to worry about infrastructure management or capacity planning.

On the other hand, traditional VMs require businesses to manage and maintain their infrastructure manually. This means that scalability is limited to the resources available in the virtual machine, and businesses need to plan for capacity in advance.


In terms of performance, both serverless computing and traditional VMs offer similar results, but it depends on the workload. For simple applications or functions, serverless computing is faster and more efficient. However, for more complex applications that require consistent and dedicated resources, traditional VMs may offer better performance.

In a study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, serverless computing delivered 9-21% better performance compared to traditional virtual machines for simple applications.


Maintenance is a crucial aspect of any technology, and serverless computing offers businesses a maintenance-free environment. Serverless computing providers handle all the infrastructure management, updates, and security, which means businesses can focus on their applications instead of infrastructure management.

In contrast, maintaining traditional VMs requires businesses to invest in hardware, software, and security infrastructure. It also requires businesses to keep their infrastructure updated, which can be a time-consuming task.


Serverless computing and traditional virtual machines both have their advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right technology depends on your business needs and goals. Serverless computing is cost-effective and scalable, while still offering good performance for simple applications. Traditional virtual machines are more suitable for complex applications that require consistent and dedicated resources.

We hope this article has helped you in making an informed decision.


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